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Dried & Moistened Smoked Squid Snack/숯불구이 오징어 [2.82oz X 2Bags]

Keum Han
Chewy Smoked Squid Jerky for Adults & Kids   Grilled flavor Squid is made with carefully selected fresh squid! It is freshly grilled...
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Dried & Moistened Smoked Squid Snack/숯불구이 오징어 [2.82oz X 2Bags]

Product details

Chewy Smoked Squid Jerky for Adults & Kids  

Grilled flavor Squid is made with carefully selected fresh squid! It is freshly grilled over charcoal to ensure its freshness and moisture.
It has been sterilized and hygienically seasoned in boiling water.

It has a deliciously balanced sweet and savory taste.

Perfect as a nutritious snack for our children!

A delicious accompaniment to our husbands' drinks!

Convenient for enjoying while watching TV!!

Fits perfectly in the bag when traveling!

Net weight: 80g


오징어 전기구이는 싱싱한 오징어만을 엄선! 엄선된 오징어를 신선하고 촉촉하게 숯불에 구운 오징어입니다.

끓는 물에 살균, 위생적으로 조미가공하였습니다. 

적당히 단짠단짠 맛있는맛. 

우리아이 영양간식으로! 

우리 남편 맛있는 술안주로!

TV 볼때 간편하게!!

여행갈때 가방속에 쏙!

내용량: 80g


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